As a senior executive, in the event you find yourself either about to become the subject of an investigation or actually being investigated, you will be keen to understand your legal obligations and entitlements and want to explore your options for responding. We are experts in advising senior executives, professionals, and founders facing misconduct allegations and related investigations. We also advise individuals who may be drawn into investigations when required.
Our advice also focuses on compliance with any regulatory obligations during this period (as appropriate), protection of reputation, and the tactical issues faced by individuals.
Recent and ongoing senior executive investigations include:
- Advising a MLRO following their suspension and on their participation in the employer’s investigation of allegations which included money laundering and conduct tending to bring the employer into disrepute. We advised on regulatory issues and worked closely with their criminal lawyer. The impact on the individual of the fact of the allegations was substantial and we were mindful that they were supported from a mental wellbeing perspective as well.
- Advising senior executive making complaints of sexual misconduct and bullying by their partners and systemic third party harassment, making protected disclosures which include fraudulent practices. The matter was complicated by the impact of the conduct on the individual’s mental health and aggravating behaviours of the firm toward her after she had made the complaints.
- Advising senior lawyer on their complaint of institutional race discrimination and top city firm’s investigation of the same.
- Advising global GC on their complaint of disability discrimination and the employer’s investigation of the same.
For more information or to discuss senior executive investigations, please contact Partner Emma Bartlett, Senior Partner Sarah Chilton or Partner and General Counsel Beth Hale.