Workplace investigations play a vital role in resolving disputes and setting the organisation’s culture. If a firm is serious about the type of culture it wants to nurture, knowing how to conduct a timely and thorough investigation is key. An investigation may be triggered either once allegations have been raised or alternatively of the firm’s own initiative if it identifies problematic culture and considers that a cultural audit may be required. The speed of investigations in a professional service firm can also be critical, bearing in mind any possible reporting obligations as well.
CM Murray LLP has an established track record in advising employers in their workplace investigations. We also regularly undertake independent workplace investigations on behalf of firms.
As well as ensuring compliance with legal obligations arising from the need for an investigation, we assist with prioritising objectives and advise on the range of options available to a firm for addressing issues. We have extensive experience in making effective recommendations which can drive cultural change.
Recent and ongoing partnership investigations include:
- Advising a global law firm on its investigation into third party allegations against senior individuals of unlawful harassment and misconduct. In addition to advising on the investigation process, we provided regulatory advice and work closely with the firm’s PR advisors.
- Advising a global investment management firm on an investigation into allegations of sex discrimination made in response to a proposed global restructure. Therefore, in addition to advising on the investigation, we advised on the order of the investigation and the individual redundancy since they overlapped. The matter was complicated by the cross border nature of the complaint and seniority of the alleged perpetrators in different jurisdictions.
- Advising a global law firm on its investigation of an international partner’s conduct following allegations of sexual harassment and their cross allegations of bullying and harassment by fellow partners.
For more information or to discuss professional service firm investigations, please contact Partner Emma Bartlett, Senior Partner Sarah Chilton or Partner and General Counsel Beth Hale.