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Is The Glue That Holds Partnerships Together Coming Unstuck? – Discussion Recording

We are delighted to share with you a recording of the discussion Is The Glue That Holds Partnerships Together Coming Unstuck?  which took place at an event we held recently in London. 

The discussion explored the evolving dynamics of professional partnerships and the challenges they face in today’s complex legal and business environment. Taking place in a Samoan Circle format, it enabled any attendees who wished to contribute to the debate to step into the circle during the course of the discussion.

Co-facilitated by Sarah Chilton (Senior Partner, CM Murray LLP) and Zulon Begum (Partner, CM Murray LLP), the recording captures the first 20 minutes of the discussion with the opening speakers, in particular:

  • A critical examination of what constitutes a partnership, the key challenges faced by law firms and professional services in the current economic climate. 
  • What is the ‘glue’ that holds a partnership together? In particular, loyalty, shared values and the cultural significance of a partnership.
  • Is trust, a fundamental element of partnerships, being eroded in larger LLPs where loyalties may be more aligned with the organisation than its individual partners?
  • The impact of scale: While scale can lead to centralisation and loss of entrepreneurialism and individual autonomy, it can also provide resources for innovation and growth.
  • Cultural dynamics: A focus on how shared goals and collaboration can foster a sense of belonging and purpose among partners.
  • The challenges faced by founder-led firms in transitioning leadership to a new generation. Can successors maintain the entrepreneurial spirit of the original founders?
  • The value of diverse viewpoints within a partnership, with a mix of personalities and approaches helping to enhance a firm’s adaptability and attractiveness to clients.
  • What does it mean to be a partnership in today’s professional landscape? How traditional values can and should co-exist with modern business practices to create resilient and effective partnerships.

Opening speakers:

  • Andrew Cromby, Regional Office Head, Weightmans LLP, London; Partnership Litigator and Mediator
  • Peter Duff, Principal Consultant at PSFI and former Chairman of Shoosmiths
  • Greg Jackson, Law Firm Strategist & Consultant, PWC
  • John Machell KC, Serle Court, Partnership & LLP Silk
  • Moray Mclaren, Board Advisor to Law Firms and Co-Founder of Lexington Consultants
  • Corinne Staves, Partner, CM Murray LLP, Partnership & LLP Specialist


  • Zulon Begum, Partner & Co-Head of Partnership Team (Non-Contentious), CM Murray LLP
  • Sarah Chilton, Senior Partner & Co-Head of Partnership Practice (Partnership Disputes), CM Murray LLP

Thank you to everyone who attended the event and participated in the discussion.

If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in the recording, please contact Senior Partner Sarah Chilton, or Partners Zulon Begum and Corinne Staves.