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Managing Partner Performance in Professional Services Firms, Evaluating Contribution and Using Partner Processes to Drive Your Firm’s Strategy: PPA Webinar – 11 July 2024

Join us for the next Professional Practices Alliance (PPA) webinar, ‘Managing Partner Performance in Professional Services Firms, Evaluating Contribution and Using Partner Processes to Drive Your Firm’s Strategy‘, on Thursday 11 July 2024 at 9.00am BST. See below for full details and register your place here.

Making decisions on partner remuneration and promotion can be hard. There are so many factors to consider – both human and legal, big picture and small but important. Questions those managing these processes in all sizes of professional services firms may be asking include:

  • Does rewarding partners in this way help to achieve our overall strategy and business plan?
  • Will that reward incentivise that individual?
  • Will it drive someone to look elsewhere and what would that mean for our growth and vision?
  • Is it fair to others in the firm?
  • Am I acting in the best interests of the business?
  • Do I need to or should I take into account a partner’s behaviour as well as their work product and financial contribution, and what weight should I give it?
  • Is there a risk of discrimination – are there specific factors we need to take account of?
  • Does my LLP Agreement give me/us the power to move someone down the equity and by how much?
  • Does our partner performance review process support the decisions we need to make?
  • Are we rewarding our stars appropriately and sufficiently?
  • What changes can I consider making to our partner remuneration system to adjust for individual partner over-and underperformance?

Join us on Thursday 11 July for an interactive discussion which will answer these questions and leave you feeling more confident in your decision making process, and how you can use it to drive your strategic vision and mitigate risk.

Our panel brings together expertise in remuneration structures and their implementation and application, managing partner performance – both over and under performance, fair and lawful decision making and discrimination law. They will share their experience and insights on these issues, which affect all professional services businesses on a regular basis.

Guest Speaker:

  • Jeremy Callman, Barrister, Ten Old Square – A leading expert in partnerships and LLPs and renowned authority on the issues relating to discretionary decisions making in this context, having advised and litigated on numerous cases in this field.

PPA Speakers:

Date: Thursday 11 July 2024
Time: 9.00am-10.00am BST

Register to attend here.

The Professional Practices Alliance is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between leading UK independent legal, accounting and law firm management specialist advisers, CM Murray LLPPep Up Consulting and Cambridge Strategy Group.

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