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Managing Partner Performance: The One with the Underperforming Law Firm – Ten-Minute Talk

In this first video in a series focusing on the key issues surrounding partner performance in law firms, Managing Partner Clare Murray and Partner Corinne Staves are joined by special guests Nick Jarrett-Kerr and Jonathan Middleburgh from leading law firm consultancy, Edge International, and authors of the book Managing Partner Performance: Strategies for Transforming Underperforming Partners.

In this video, The One With the Underperforming Law Firm, Clare, Corinne, Nick and Jonathan discuss:

  • Impact of Underperformance: How does partner underperformance affect firm profits and culture?
  • Performance Management: Why do only 25% of firms have robust performance management systems? Effective strategies to support underperformers and improve overall firm performance.
  • Leadership & Culture: What role does senior management play in fostering accountability and fairness?
  • Data & Metrics: The challenges of collecting comprehensive performance data beyond financial metrics, for example training and mentoring.
  • Risks & Solutions: The commercial and regulatory risks of poor performance and the importance of structured integration for lateral hires and how to mitigate these risks.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of partner performance or if you have questions arising from this recording, please contact Managing Partner Clare Murray, Partner Corinne Staves from CM Murray LLP, or  Nick Jarrett-Kerr and Jonathan Middleburgh from Edge International.