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Moving the ESG needle for law firms: deciding what matters and what can be achieved: PPA Webinar – 18 July 2023

In professional services firms we are now beginning to see an increased focus on “advised emissions”. The Law Society of England Wales has recently published guidance on the impact of climate change on solicitors, in which, among other things, it asks solicitors to consider the climate impact of their client work and climate related issues/risks when deciding whether or not to act for particular clients.

In addition to environmental considerations, many professional services firms are considering more generally how they can realistically entrench ESG into their own business, people and client strategies.

Join our panel of experts at the next Professional Practices Alliance webinar, ‘Moving the ESG needle for law firms: deciding what matters and what can be achieved’, taking place on Tuesday 18 July. In this session, we will consider:

  • Materiality – What is important and hence needs to be managed, and what is not (hence can lead to accusations of ‘greenwashing’?)
  • Stakeholders – How do firms decide who their stakeholders are when determining their policies and approaches to ESG?
  • Client acceptance – To what extent should ESG be a factor when considering whether to accept instructions?  How much ESG due diligence should firms be doing on prospective clients?
  • Governance – Can firms instil culture/good practice through effective governance?  What can be done if partners/employees make statements or act in a way which challenges that culture?
  • Regulation – Should regulators be providing rules or guidance as to when it is or it isn’t appropriate for firms to act for certain clients?
Date: Tuesday 18 July
Time: 9am – 10am BST

Webinar Chair:
Andrew Pavlovic
, Partner, CM Murray LLP – Professional Discipline and Regulatory Specialist


Robert Millard, Director, Cambridge Strategy Group – Law Firm Strategy and Sustainability Advisor
Zulon Begum, Partner and Head of Non-Contentious Partnership Practice, CM Murray LLP
Sarah Chilton, Senior Partner, CM Murray LLP – Partnership and Employment law Specialist


Save the Dates

We have an exciting program of webinars planned for the next few months:

19 September 2023: ‘Judgment Day: the adoption of AI and machine learning by professional firms, and the associated risks, opportunities and challenges for firms’

29 November 2023: ‘Professional Firm Mergers’

The Professional Practices Alliance is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between leading UK independent legal, accounting and law firm management specialist advisers, CM Murray LLPPep Up Consulting and Cambridge Strategy Group.

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