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Senior Executive Contracts – What New Protections, Powers and Provisions should Executives and Founders be Seeking? – IFSEA 2021 Virtual Conference Video

The fifth session was an informative conversation on what new protections, powers and provisions senior executives and founders should be seeking in protecting themselves against global disruption, including Brexit, COVID-19 and political upheaval around the world. Some of the key takeaways from the session included:

  1. In light of COVID-19, it is now common in Spain for requests to be made in respect of D&O insurance policies to provide relief for areas of liability that may go beyond that of the ordinary conduct of business.
  2. With the impact of Brexit and that of the global pandemic, the Irish Government are introducing a new plan for flexible working; granting employees a right to request their employer allow them to work remotely.
  3. More senior execs are seeking contractual comfort from their prospective employer with a particular focus on unexpected/disaster scenarios in their drafting. Employers will need to consider their reputation for stability, treating their employees fairly and looking after them in every eventuality.
  4. In the US, it is common for senior execs to receive acceleration in respect of their equity should their employment be terminated by a SPAC as a result of a change of control.

Thank you again to our expert panel of speakers for a superb session:

Doug Mandell, Global Head of the Founder Practice, Withersworldwide (California, USA)
Juan José Hita Fernández, Partner, Augusta Abogados (Spain)
Michael Burd, Partner and Chair, Lewis Silkin LLP (UK)
Peter McInnes, Partner, McInnes Dunne Solicitors (Ireland)
Merrill April, Partner, CM Murray LLP (UK) (Chair)

The second International Forum of Senior Executives and Founders (IFSEA) Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders was held virtually from Tuesday, 2 February – Tuesday, 16 March 2021. This unique specialist conference ran as a series of virtual international expert panels and two networking events per week, bringing together  over 65 leading global experts from 13 countries around the world to discuss issues commonly faced by international Senior Executives and Founders, particularly during these times of global crisis, disruption and opportunity.

View other sessions from the IFSEA 2021 Virtual Conference here.

Find out more about the International Forum of Senior Executive Advisers and become a member here.