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Financial Services is a core sector of our Firm.  We regularly provide advice to both international financial services firms with UK subsidiaries, and also many senior executives – for which we have a significant reputation.  We have particular expertise in advising on the employment and partnership law issues of investment management and hedge fund partners.

We advise those financial services clients on start up and employment contract issues,  internal investigations and disciplinary proceedings,  negotiated exits, bonus issues and enforceability of restrictive covenants.  We further provide advice on day to day employment law issues and queries for our financial services employer clients, redundancy processes and procedures, as well as conduct of employment tribunal litigation and settlement negotiations.

Contact David Fisher for more information.

  • The Firm provide ongoing employment law advice to this international investment bank. She provided advice in relation to threatened and actual tribunal litigation arising in the context of a recent cost cutting and redundancy exercise and secured settlement on very favourable commercial terms.
  • The Firm advised a senior financial services employee who was subject to investigation and disciplinary proceedings in relation to an investment process managed some years ago which had been reopened in the context of the revised compliance climate.  A favourable outcome and ongoing employment could be secured.
  • The Firm advised a senior executive at an international bank in relation to the proposed termination of their UK employment and an assignment overseas.
  • David Fisher represented an inter-dealer broker in his appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal regarding the non-payment of a guaranteed bonus by his former employer following his resignation to join a competitor.
  • Clare Murray advised a senior banker employed by an international investment bank in the context of regulatory investigations being conducted in both the UK and the US.
  • Clare Murray advised a senior executive in relation to potential sex and age discrimination claims and her negotiated exit from a bank.
  • The Firm advised a financial services client headquartered in Germany in relation to a whistleblowing claim brought against them.
  • The Firm provided advice to a US based insurance broker in relation to an internal investigation of allegations of gross misconduct.