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How are the UK’s Regulators Addressing Sexual Misconduct in their Professions? – Webinar – 6 October 2023 – 9.00 am – 10.00 am

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Law firm mergers- a workshop for law firm leaders: A Professional Practices Alliance (PPA) Event – 29 November 2023 – 14.00 GMT

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#Newsnightmares – Advising Clients in the Media Glare – IFSEA In-Person Event- 19 September 2023 – 5.30 pm – 8.00 pm BST

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What are the Best Mediation Strategies for Resolving Executive & Founder Disputes? – IFSEA Webinar – 12 June 2023 – 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm BST

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Dealing Responsibly with Historical Sexual Misconduct Allegations – IFSEA In-Person Seminar – 9 March 2023 – 5.30 PM – 7.15 PM GMT

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Succession Planning for Law Firms: Professional Practices Alliance Seminar Report

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What New and Prospective Partners Need to Know

Sarah Chilton spoke on the legal implications of becoming an LLP Member including in realtion to ceasing to be an employee, a Partner’s rights and duties under the LLP deed, duties at law and what legal aspects new partners should focus on, including issues around entitlement to profits, retirement, expulsion, restsrictive covenants and regulation and risk.

Corinne Staves of Maurice Turnor Gardner and Claire Watkins of Buzzacott LLP also spoke at the seminar.

For further details on this seminar please email Sarah Chilton

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